Monday, January 3, 2011

The World Hardest Game - Walkthrough

Hey guys, here's a brief tutorial on TWHG

1: Go to the bottom left corner, the one you have access to. now, wait for the second from the bottom is on the other side , now move to the left. Right when the one above you passes you, go up to the top. Race to the other side, dodging the dot if you have to.

2: Go to the left when the 2nd is down and the 1st is up. Now weave in and out until you get it. stay on the bottom side, never on the top. If you do it right, you will know right away.

3: The dots go your speed, so go to the top left of the green box, catch a ride on the blank, and get the yellow dot. Catch a ride again, moving right, and drop down.

4: The trick is that you can keep up if you are close to the middle. The second a "hand" passes, go down and get the first yellow dot. Staying at the bottom, cruise to the second, and jump out and get the 2nd, and back to the middle. Repeat, except this time, dont go back.

5: Run to the third square from you. Then the fourth away (From where you are standing) Now the fifth, and run into the green dot. Go to the fourth one, going down. Continue to the fourth from the bottom. Sprint to the bottom, and three from the right. GO to the fourth from where you were. Third from the left. Fourth from the bottom. Safely until the turn to the green dot. Fourth from the left. Two to the right, three more, four more, three from the bottom, fifth from the right, second from the left, middle, second from the left, into the middle, and into the green.

6: This level looks hard right? Wrong. Every corner is a safe spot. Also, where two pinwheels meet, on the top and bottom, in the middle of the line going down, is a safe spot. It should be easy with that.

7: Wait until the first ball is up, and then run to the bottom. Go right, and keep going every time one goes up. Go to the end, grab the ball, and go into the safe spot. Go to the top and repeat this, going there, back, and back into the safe spot. The top part will be significantly harder to time, but it only took me one try, so I assume it wont take anyone, and I mean anyone, more than two tries. If you notice, like I did, that the middle between the two balls acts as a safe spot, it is temporary, I guarantee, and the balls will (For some weird reason) catch you if you move, almost at all.

8: Go down, each time the ball circles go one step above its upward passage, making you untouchable by it, making it all the way down, and back up. Now, go to the left, hiding from the center ball, and quickly running into the top yellow ball, and back into the middles safety, and as quickly as possible running into your left green checkpoint. Get the bottom yellow ball, and retreat into safety.
(Sorry for not being descriptive on this one)^

9: Quickly, go down and left, into the passageway. Then, elude the ball for a second time, running into the bottom passageway. Elude the other two balls, making it to the checkpoint. I can't describe how to elude them, because frankly, it's easy. Now, being in the checkpoint, go to the bottom edge. HOLD the bottom and left key. You should glide right past them. Get the yellow ball, and position yourself to glide back. Glide back (This might take two tries) and make your way past the ball to the upward passageway. Diagonally pass the two circles, and your done.

10: All it this level is is a game of keep going. When one moves out of the way, go in its spot. It may take some tries.

11: Go as fast as you can. It may seem slow but it isn't. Shouldn't be too hard.

12: All you need to know if for the one that goes up and down the passageway, wait for it to go onto the other blocks, then sprint.

13: Go up, hoping in and out and hoping the side to sides don't get you, and then wait-hop to the exit (I beat this one first try, by luck)

14: Every corner (Of the pinwheel) is a safe spot, but only for the pinwheel. Stay on the bottom, and go to the bottom left corner of the (first/second/third) pinwheel, and go slightly out of the up and downs range, and you are safe. The pinwheel will be touching you, but it doesn't matter! YOU HAVE TO BE OUT OF THE UP AND DOWN RANGE! The last corner(THE LAST, the EDGE) doesn't work!

I'm too lazy to right out the rest so figure it out by watching my video


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